
“Witty, joyous and disconcerting, Mermermer blends the irreverent, absurd and everyday into a quirky style of comedic physical theatre… Unpredictable and mesmerising.” Eammon Kelly, The Australian

November 2016, Lifeworks, Performance Space, Sydney
September 2016, Next Move, Chunky Move, Melbourne

Mermermer revolves around ideas of melodrama, extinction, documentation and myth-making. Mermermer is a phantasmagoria of a work, exploring saturation, augmented realities and the irresolvable tension created by the gap between live mediation, mediated non-fiction and melodrama. The interpretation is open to continual reassessment and the work itself is in perpetual flux as we find ways to function in and negotiate with the present.

“Rubbing the body parts of high and low art, thoughts and trance-like action, deadpan and real, Lloyd and Gunn, moved as one fabulously linked form and the results were wildly varied and visually arresting” Gracia Haby, Fford Review

Created and performed by: Jo Lloyd and Nicola Gunn
Composer: Duane Morrison
Costumes: Shio Otani
Lighting: Matthew Adey
Photos: Gregory Lorenzutti
Commissioned at part of Chunky Move's Next Move season 2016.